Hello there, are you floundering in news-feeds, asphyxiated by articles, perplexed by political profiles? So am I. And that my friends is why I’ve prepared this succinct post on what to read these next few days, just for you. I spent my hard-earned weekend sifting through inky newspapers and digital minefields in order to ‘curate’ […]
Death by Well-Being; in celebration of bad habits
I am fifty five years old and still occasionally smoke. I admit it’s gone down to about twice a year (usually with my old pal Al, we used to work together as cleaners and called ourselves ‘the scrubbers’ – but that is a story for later). Anyway, those couple of rolled-up fags always taste like […]
Shaking hands with the Devil, or, in this case, MBS
Once upon a time I got an unexpected tax rebate. I spent it on a flight to Burma and my trip was memorable for several wildly different reasons. Firstly, I had a brief delicious love affair with a Burmese motorbiker- and then, I was on the streets when Aung San Suu Kyi was elected to […]
Why comfort zones only really exist for us to trek out of them
I am on the trip of a lifetime, and miserable as all hell. My feet are soaking wet and cold, my shoulders ache because the bloody backpack is too heavy. I can’t breathe properly; it is like trying to inhale through a blocked straw. I’m wading through snow and there there is still nine f**king […]