I am delighted to share this exciting news with you. All of you! Meet Me in Gaza has just been shortlisted for a Literary award! The Memo Palestine Book Award is an annual prize for the best book about Palestine published in English. The prize will be announced in London in November. I’ll probably still […]
Welcome to Bangui!
I arrived here two weeks ago. ‘Here’ is Bangui, small capital city of the Central African Republic, one of the remotest countries left in the world. The last week of June I flew from London to Casablanca, changed planes, and at dawn descended over massive forest shrouded in cloud. When we landed in Bangui, the airport was very […]
In which my book launch is magic – and French air traffic controllers pour la Merde! on my travel plans
A book launch is like your first night with a new lover: the delicious exitement as you try not to be overwhelmed by expectations, just to be yourself. I was nervous but fired up just before launching my new book, Meet Me in Gaza, at the Woolfson & Tay independent bookshop here in Southwark, south […]
In which I gush with thanks and joy, as my new book, Meet me in Gaza, is published and has already garnered great reviews
My new book has just been published! I am so delighted to introduce Meet me in Gaza to the world: there is much celebrating to do – this has been a long hard beautiful journey to publication – but I will write again very soon. In the meantime, there have been some cracking reviews – from […]