Is it over? Last night I received a deluge of messages and calls about the ceasefire that’s now news around the world. Ola, my friend inside Gaza, was jubilant – ‘the street is filled with celebrations!’ She Whatsapped me. I could almost hear the intense relief in her voice. ‘thankfully ceasefire has been announced officially!’ […]
And now, we go where? Surviving life inside Gaza
Ahmed Najar from Jabalia and the relentless war on people inside Gaza
Bring up the bodies, and raise the spectre of peace in Gaza
when I lived in Gaza, I danced. And went to parties, where we drank and laughed, then drove home late at night. I went to barbeques, and dinners on the beach and I swam in the Mediterranean with my friends and their kids. I browsed in markets, bought fruit and herbs and spices and went […]
Life can be a bitch …. so learn from her
One of the very few positives of having just endured a double whammy of this new strain of Covid is having time to read. Being confined to bed gazing at cloud curtains and yet more rain isn’t my idea of summer, so I had a word with myself. I was not spending a week in […]